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Unlocking Managers' Potential for Nomura Beijing

Coniferous forest by the water




2017年当時、中期経営計画に基づき「企画力」の強化を進めていた乃村北京。また同時期に現地法人ローカルメンバーのマネージャー登用も進めていた。その過程で当時の日本人トップが懸念したのは、文化的な背景もあり、ローカルマネージャー達の「チーム・組織で成果を上げる」という意識が薄く、組織力が生かし切れていないように感じることだった。そこでインパクトは、彼らのポテンシャルの解放と協働する組織ビジョンの共有を目指して「Unlocking Potential」というコンセプトのプログラムをデザインした。このプログラムは、2017年から2018年にかけてローカルマネージャー10名に対して、4回のモジュールとして提供された。研修は上海にて実施された。








Anthony Surley
Training and Development Manager
“Our Developing Leadership Skills programmes have been extremely successful, combining leadership activities and peer feedback with business-specific projects requiring inspirational leadership in the workplace. A key objective for Wates in this programme is the transfer of learning back into the workplace and without a doubt the business projects allow this to happen. A number of business projects are now in the implementation phase and are adding value to the Group."
Anna Rossetti
Training and Development Manager
"The workshop was a great training and team building experience for all of us, underlining the role and impact we all have on our credit policy. Impact facilitation helped us to find the right methodology to share key messages and work effectively together. It wasn’t easy bringing 60 people – including the CEO, Finance Director and HR team together, but Impact facilitated the different groups, and brought together our experiences and ensured everyone was involved."
Adam Eaton
Director of Group Management
"These experiential development projects deliver significant benefit; connectivity to the company’s purpose, ‘prosperity and peace of mind’, a tangible sense of well- being and rapid team formation. Impact have delivered some extremely well organised projects that have had a very beneficial effect on the local community.”