This Cyber Security Outdoor Development Programme is a custom-designed three-day residential learning journey for Cyber Security emerging talent from Energus. Brilliant results demonstrate the programmes’ powerful developmental effects.
The programme prepares learners to meet the business challenges of today and shape the solutions for tomorrow’s nuclear industry, supporting new ways of thinking about industry opportunities and challenges.
The partnership between Impact and Energus delivers a learning experience that is practically applicable to the workplace and the career development schemes Energus apprentices and graduates are embarking on.
Energus partnered with Impact to develop a network of cyber security personnel with the capabilities and confidence to be socially mobile, display sophisticated behavioural skills and show up as the best version of themselves in their varied work environments.
Energus wanted to develop the capabilities of its Cyber Security apprentices and graduates, enabling them to work as highly effective teams, communities and businesses.
Participants are expected to leave the programme able to:
- make decisions through problem-solving
- communicate effectively
- work collaboratively within team environments
- develop a strong personal brand.
The programme needed to meet the wider objective of ensuring that learners had memorable, long-lasting learning experiences that motivate and inspire individuals, supporting their successful future careers.
The solution is a three-day development programme in the heart of the English Lake District - a powerful, meaningful, memorable learning experience in the outdoors..
Challenging outdoor projects include ghyll scrambling, mountain ridge climbing and night navigation rowing; allowing participants to work at the edge of their comfort zone and develop the agility needed for VUCA environments.
Learners also complete a variety of development projects that confront individuals’ abilities to communicate effectively and make decisions in the moment when immersed in various complex team environments.
The experience develops skills and behaviours, supercharges peer networking opportunities, supports participants’ awareness and advancement of personal values and change mindsets.
Real-time feedback on behavioural competencies are shared; peer-to-peer and from Impact facilitators. This builds the capacity of the apprentices and graduates to maximise their performance through goal setting and action planning.
The participants overwhelmingly felt that the experience was of real value, that key insights were gained and that the learning could be applied immediately back into the workplace.
98% of participants rated the experience valuable.
97% of participants thought that the Impact team added significant value.
95% of participants agreed that they had gained useful insights and learning.
94% of participants believe that they will be able to apply what they have learnt at work.