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Management Off-site

Coniferous forest by the water




各部門の部長、現場メンバーも含めた、現状把握のための社内のヒアリングを実施した結果、1.新しいことにチャレンジせず、波風を立てずに現状維持を望む考えが広まっている 2.階層化された組織の中で、コミュニケーション不全が進行しているのに気づいていない 3.部長を含め、誰も自分で考えて、自ら行動を起こすことをしていない ということが浮き彫りになった。これら組織としての問題点に大きな影響を及ぼしている部長間の信頼関係をまずは構築し、体験を通して自ら、組織課題に気づくしかけが求められていた。






Anthony Surley
Training and Development Manager
“Our Developing Leadership Skills programmes have been extremely successful, combining leadership activities and peer feedback with business-specific projects requiring inspirational leadership in the workplace. A key objective for Wates in this programme is the transfer of learning back into the workplace and without a doubt the business projects allow this to happen. A number of business projects are now in the implementation phase and are adding value to the Group."
Anna Rossetti
Training and Development Manager
"The workshop was a great training and team building experience for all of us, underlining the role and impact we all have on our credit policy. Impact facilitation helped us to find the right methodology to share key messages and work effectively together. It wasn’t easy bringing 60 people – including the CEO, Finance Director and HR team together, but Impact facilitated the different groups, and brought together our experiences and ensured everyone was involved."
Adam Eaton
Director of Group Management
"These experiential development projects deliver significant benefit; connectivity to the company’s purpose, ‘prosperity and peace of mind’, a tangible sense of well- being and rapid team formation. Impact have delivered some extremely well organised projects that have had a very beneficial effect on the local community.”