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私たちはパーパスとして「Liberating Human Potential」を掲げています。 知性だけでなく感性にも訴えかける独自の「経験学習メソッド」を用いて、人(参加者)の可能性を解放し、組織の起こしたい変化を後押ししています。




■組織成長に貢献する学習体験の仕掛け&場のデザイン | マネージャー候補
Rivers on a grey land












Our Culture

Our 12 guiding principles and practices

Putting people first

We care deeply for each other. Everyone matters. Our passion for people lives in everything we do. It’s at the heart of how we work together and forms the core of every client engagement we create.

Embracing adventure

We embrace adventure. It’s embedded in our mindset, in our hearts and drives us to seek and embrace risks, to be bold and work beyond the edge of what’s comfortable. Learning from these experiences is essential to our growth and central to our beliefs and our work.

Meaningful work

We are committed to our purpose. We care about making a difference through doing profound work that has meaning and adds value to our lives, those of our clients and the communities and world we live in.

Courageous relationships

We value speaking openly with honesty and integrity. We courageously seek and offer feedback to build trusted relationships and propel learning and growth as individuals and as an organisation. It is vital to our health and culture.

Working together

We use human connection and networks instead of hierarchies to get things done. When we work together to harness the power of collective thinking and diverse perspectives, there are few limits to what we can achieve.

Loving wild places

We cherish nature. We deeply respect the unmatched power and beauty of wild places and strive to embrace and care for them in our work and influence our clients and communities to do the same.

Fun and storytelling

We love spending time together. We seek opportunities to create memorable moments and share stories to emotionally connect, to laugh and cry, to honour each other and live out our culture.

Being real

We are a place where people can be themselves. It’s who you are, what you stand for and how you show up that counts. Honouring your true self and representing your own thoughts, beliefs, feelings and ideas is valued and appreciated.

Loyalty and passion

We are all part of the Impact family. Our loyalty stems from the family orientation we have as a business and the care we have for each other and our purpose. It is our loyalty to each other and our passion for what we do that underpins why we give so much and do whatever it takes.

Asking bold questions

We ask bold questions of each other as individuals, of ourselves as a business and of our clients. This is core to our culture and a unique differentiator in the marketplace that sets us apart. It is central to our work with our clients, at all levels and in all contexts.

Learning from experience

We take risks, make mistakes and learn. This is our guiding light and go-to development philosophy and practice. Learning from experience is what we believe in and trust, both internally with our people and externally in all our client work.

Freedom and opportunity

We liberate human potential by providing space and opportunity for people to envision and create. Enabling acts of leadership is the principle that underpins our growth as an organisation and lives at heart of our entrepreneurial practice.