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Impact: Un partner per la riforma dell'agenda

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FAO (Food and Agricolture Organization) è una delle più importanti organizzazioni umanitarie al mondo.

In un quadro di alta sfida e forte multiculturalità, FAO ci ha chiesto di avviare un programma di sviluppo della leadership, volto a: raggiungere un elevato livello di consapevolezza di sé e degli altri; esprimere “atti di leadership” orientati al conseguimento di risultati concreti attraverso le leve del coinvolgimento e della delega; sviluppare un contesto organizzativo capace di stimolare prestazioni elevate; sviluppare la sicurezza e la resilienza necessarie per agire come leader del cambiamento.

Impact ha realizzato l’Effective Leadership Programme: un percorso modulare creato ad hoc per sviluppare capacità di “Leading Self, Team, Change”, “Personal Leadership Challenge”, “High Performing Working Environment” attraverso una modalità esperienziale altamente interattiva, con sessioni di coaching a supporto dei senior manager nella gestione di situazioni reali, l’utilizzo di ESCI 360, momenti guidati di confronto e di scambio di feedback fortemente coinvolgenti.

“FAO sostiene il proprio management e gli mette a disposizione le più moderne teorie in tema di leadership. Il progetto “Effective Leadership Programme” ne è la sintesi ideale”.
Alison Holmes, Management & Leadership Programme Manager

Scopri cosa ne pensano i Clienti
Brian Thompson
Senior Nutrition Officer for AGN, Effective Leadership Programme Partnership
“There is now recognition that ‘you can learn’ to lead because leadership is about what you do. It is not about being born a special kind of person. Leadership is a kind of action, and since it happens between people, it is about communication. We all need to get connected, develop an awareness of what is happening around us and how we can affect it."
Roy White
HR Head, Global Sales & Marketing, Sony
‘When Sony decided to sponsor the FIFA World Cup we were keen to try to do something different with the sponsorship. Our ongoing partnership with streetfootballworld has been one of the outcomes of this desire. In all of this work we have partnered with Impact in ensuring that we get the best out of the partnership with some amazing results. Impact have enabled our most talented people to develop real leadership skills through their engagements with streetfootballworld partners.’
Gareth Owen
Deputy Director of Emergencies
Save the Children UK
"The involvement of Impact has been hugely valuable to us not only for the crucial professional insights and recommendations they were able to offer the training process and the programme as a whole, but also as their consultants bring such great energy and enthusiasm with them. It is uplifting and exciting to have them on board.”