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Digital & Technology

AI vs. leadership coach: Who can help you develop your leadership skills?

Written with Cassie Cuppek , senior consultant at Impact Americas. We thought it would be interesting to pitch ChatGPT against one of our consultants, Cassie Cuppek, asking them both the same question...

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Innovation & Creativity
Wellbeing & Personal Development

What will you do with an extra day?

2024 is a special year. Not just because it marks an election year for more than 50 countries, or the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac, but because it’s a leap year. First introduced in 46 BCE...

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When was the last time you learned something new?

' It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but the act of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment .' – Carl Friedrich Gauss In the pre-pandemic days of face-to-face...

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Five tips for communicating under pressure

The ability to communicate effectively in the workplace is fundamental for business success, but it can be harder to achieve than we think. Too often, messages are misunderstood, intentions are...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Finding balance in times of change

I have come to realise that I appreciate balance in my life. Not just the staying upright sort of balance – although that is also important – but the sort of balance that ensures that the different...

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Storytelling: A crucial leadership skill

How the art of storytelling can be harnessed to effectively motivate and engage talent Our life is full of stories: stories of what we have done or of what we are about to do. Our nations are built...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Seven ways to incorporate walking into working

A growing body of evidence demonstrates the clear physical and psychological benefits that spending time in the natural world has for human wellbeing. From improved memory, concentration, and...

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Digital & Technology

Digital technology and the democratisation of learning

In the midst of the global challenges that we currently face, it can be difficult to feel optimistic about our ability to act collectively and at the speed and scale necessary. So, what can we do...

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The power of conversation

Andy Dickson has been managing people, teams and functions for 32 years. He is Head of Global Customer Solutions at Impact and has recently celebrated his 25th year of working here. In this...

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How agile are you?

At Impact, we believe that leadership agility is: The ability to react quickly with adaptive and decisive leadership action to address real-time challenges in your environment successfully. Developing...

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Digital & Technology

The human side of hybrid working

Hybrid. It may be one of the most talked-about phrases of the last eighteen months, but what actually is hybrid working? The answer to that is that there is no easy definition . For some people...

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People management for humans

Andy Dickson has been managing people, teams, and functions for 32 years. He is Head of Global Customer Solutions at Impact and has recently celebrated his 25th year working here. In this anniversary...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

What failure can teach us about success

In business, failure is as much a part of life as success, if not more so. Entrepreneurs are often driven by high achievement and therefore can feel setbacks deeply; but when handled in the right way...

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How to create a company worth working for

In business, our relationships with each other are everything, and this is something that has been brought into stark focus by the pandemic. How organisations treated their employees during the early...

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Leaders develop leaders: How to develop leadership capacity in your organisation

Change has always been, and will always be, a constant. But in the last couple of years, this change has accelerated considerably. The raft of current global challenges, including climate breakdown...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Working and parenting as a woman

The moment I announced my pregnancy, somebody said to me ‘that’s it now, you’ll never stop worrying or feeling guilty for the rest of your life’. As my daughter’s second birthday approaches, I can see...

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How to navigate a VUCA world in 2022

What are the most pressing global catastrophic risks that businesses currently face? Right now, we are confronted by a number of urgent, interconnected crises. We can describe the current business...

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Organisational culture change: the importance of having faith

We know that organisational culture change is possible. However, we also know that achieving lasting change requires a lot of effort. Organisational culture is an emergent property of how the people...

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Organisational culture change: Engaging the key players

When it comes to launching a culture change initiative, who exactly should be involved? This is a common question, and the answer is everyone! An organisation’s culture is owned by everyone who works...

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Leading by listening

Listening is one of the most underrated leadership skills. In the current context of digital information overload and ongoing business disruption, many leaders find themselves moving from one meeting...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Tackling fear in the workplace

Fear is a primal emotion that has been part of human nature since the dawn of evolution. It is a basic yet crucial emotion that is important for survival, triggering a response designed to keep us...

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Digital & Technology

How to foster a learning culture in a hybrid world

Fostering a learning culture is key to achieving the agility needed to succeed in the current business landscape. An organisation’s ability to adapt is dependent on its people’s ability to learn, spot...

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Digital & Technology

Can ChatGPT improve your leadership?

Thoughts from Ailie Shackleton , Impact's head of content marketing. Is it just me… or is ChatGPT the topic of chat everywhere you go? Whilst walking our dogs this week, my estate agent friend...

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A human approach in a hybrid age

In a previous role, I was the HR director for a non-profit organisation called Safe Harbor, which provided outreach services to survivors of domestic violence. My role primarily involved supporting...

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Digital & Technology

Teamwork in a virtual world

We asked Head of Impact Asia Helen Hibbott to share some of her top tips for keeping a team connected virtually. Helen manages the Impact Asia team across five different countries. Connect often as a...

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Bringing organisational culture to life

When did you last reconnect with your colleagues? I don’t mean on Zoom or rushing between a work meeting. I mean in person, with space to talk, plan, laugh and learn. If you ask people what makes...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Podcast: How mindfulness could help you

When was the last time you properly stopped? Took the time you needed just for you? To really notice what's going on with you? In this episode, Impact's Charlotte Messervy shares her story and a...

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Failure, vulnerability, and the true nature of change

In our fast-paced, digital world of instant gratification, change can often connote something rapid, spectacular, or even epiphanic. But in reality, change is not an event but a process. And this is...

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Is your team ready for success?

Six Key Questions You Should Ask Yourselves Based upon interest in our recent piece on Team Success , where we explored 6 questions related to team success and performance, we’re now going to take a...

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Team management in a hybrid working model

Hybrid working has become a permanent fixture in a wide variety of global organisations. This shift brings benefits but also real challenges for managers. How do you effectively lead dispersed teams...

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Senior leadership teams: how to lead leadership

I mpact don’t view leadership as a type of person or a particular set of qualities; instead we understand leadership to be a special and vital form of action. In our opinion, it is only when someone...

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New senior leadership: A time for listening

The drivers of ongoing change continue to impact organisations, resulting in expansions, acquisitions, transformations, reshuffles and more. One of the outcomes of change is plenty of senior leaders...

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Digital & Technology

Leading homeworking

We recently surveyed over 100 senior business leaders from across our global network. In sharing the analysis and conclusions from this work we hope we can contribute to the wider conversation about...

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Monster stress: to battle or befriend?

What holds women back as leaders? How can women leaders be heard? We discuss the part culture plays and women's responses to aiding themselves and others.

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Emerging Talent

The role of feedback in human-centred organisations

Helen Hibbott is Impact Asia CEO Why is it that the prospect of giving feedback strikes fear into our hearts? Often the hardest part of giving feedback is getting started. In this article, I share my...

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Creating connectedness in far-flung teams

In my earlier career in the west, I had the privilege of being physically located with most of the people I worked with. Clients were in different locations, sure, but the people I needed to help me...

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Onboarding remote employees: Employee and employer perspectives

The shift to remote and hybrid working caused by the pandemic has been a huge disruption to the traditional onboarding process. Welcoming a new team member to an organisation in a remote environment...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Thriving - an unexpected opportunity

In the last few months I’ve seen some of the most inspirational human behaviour (and some of the worst). Many of us have discovered the importance of staying connected and doing what we can to feel...

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