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Graduate development at Virgin Money

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Virgin Money’s graduate programme is a two-year multi-modular learning journey that aims to develop and build sought after talent and secure the future leadership pipeline.

The objectives of this programme are to support the development of the graduates':

  • Self-awareness
  • Resilience
  • Critical thinking
  • Openness to learning
  • Personal organisation
  • Smart communication

Virgin Money’s two-year graduate programme combines four work placements with a multi-modular development programme.

Module 1, Leading in the Organisation, focuses on understanding self and others. It explores blockers to high performance, leadership, management and followership.

The 'In Conversation with' work-based project is a collaborative task that culminates in presenting to the leadership team and senior stakeholders. A follow-up webinar explores effective teamwork.

Module 2, Leading Beyond Authority, takes a deeper dive into self-reflection, the interpersonal skills of communication and the leadership tool of coaching. 

100% of participants agreed that their experience with Impact was valuable.

100% of participants agreed that they gained useful insights and learning.

9.4/10  was the average rating when participants were asked to gauge the likeliness of recommendation.

"We think really carefully about the partners that we work with for this graduate placement. We want every experience to really challenge our colleagues and graduates, to help them step outside their comfort zones and to get them thinking differently. It's crucial for us to also work with some really brilliant partners who can bring their expertise and share it with a group of graduates."

Erin Price, Leadership and Talent Consultant at Virgin Money

See what our customers say about us
Michelle Blieberg
Managing Director & Global Learning Officer
"Working with Impact can best be described as both enjoyable and an ideal partnership. We found them to be extremely creative with some of the most unique experiential learning available. Perhaps most importantly, we learned from and greatly admired all of their global staff. We found them to be flexible, insightful and extremely caring, committed to the personal development of our staff."
Armelle Savidan
Faurecia University Europe & Global Programs
Forvia Faurecia
“Pivoting our face-to-face leadership development programmes to fully virtual solutions was a quick and effective solution that has supported Faurecia
people all over the world”
Modulaire Group
"The 'conversations that count' programme was a very good time of reflection on my own behaviour and on my day to day interactions with my colleagues. Applying the recommendations in meetings I attended since has made a noticeable difference."