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Discover and debate opinions about what really matters in organisations.

Purple sunflower

Collective experience: An opportunity for hybrid organisations

Hybrid work is here to stay. But hybrid does present challenges. Large group, leadership workshops for events can catalyse performance and help drive business results.

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Digital & Technology

The greatest organisational challenges of 2024

Our global series of events brought 183 leaders together in New York, London, Singapore and Zurich. They named their biggest organisational challenge and discussed how to shape tomorrow's workplace in...

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The difference between training and development

The difference between training and development has always intrigued me. During my training to become a school teacher, I soon became aware that teaching and learning are not the same thing. Creating...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

You on a 'good' day

Every company Impact works with expects a lot from their people. In turn people expect a lot from their company. One of the big issues confronting both employer and employee is the sheer volume of...

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Success needs a measure. What's yours?

Every organisation we have ever worked with has a plan. A plan that says something about their aspirations as a business. Some plans are pretty detailed and weighty - lots of graphs with lines...

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Who is more important, the customer or the boss?

“I’ll kidnap a thousand children before I let this company die” Henry J. Waternoose III from the Disney movie Monsters Inc. One thing we hear too much and too often, is employees bad mouthing the...

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Learning to Motivate Others

All organisations aim to create the conditions through which their employees can give of their best. Yet working out the best way to motivate performance is a challenge we see many constantly struggle...

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Multi generational learning

We hear from Liz Wilson, Senior Consultant at Impact International... For a while now I’ve had the urge to mix people up – to have the long-serving, highly respected experts marvel at the bold ideas...

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Innovation & Creativity

What do big established organisations have to learn from small start-ups?

When it comes to agility, it’s common practice to cast large organisations as being monolithic, unadaptable and slow-moving and smaller businesses as more nimble, fluid and responsive. One is an ocean...

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Emerging Talent
Sustainable Innovation

From work experience to work inspiration

Back in 2010 I attended the BITC (Business in the Community) Work Inspiration launch and was struck by the realisation that it was time to make some serious changes to the way we engaged with local...

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Innovation & Creativity

Better together? Part 2

In part one of this blog entry on external collaboration we discussed whether it was possible to collaborate with competitors, what the risks are and how best to manage them. Here, in part two, I'll...

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Better Together?

Collaboration Part 1: Is it really possible to collaborate with competitors? Current economic conditions place huge pressure on organisations. We are required to constantly innovate ways to produce...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Personal resilience: Part II

In my last blog post I put forward some thoughts on Personal Resilience and began to consider how can organisations can best support and encourage individual responsibility for wellbeing. This week I...

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