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Is your team prepared for success?

Is your team prepared for success?
Published: January 20, 2015
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Impact Americas' Senior Consultant, David Cooper, gives us 6 essential questions.

This is a question you could well be asking yourself - whether you are joining a new team, leading a team, or an invested and curious team member.

To find out the answer – and to gain a better understanding of the team’s success preparedness – we recommend asking yourselves the following 6 questions.

Be sure to ask all team members and, as a team, determine alignment with each question. If you achieve alignment on all six questions there is a good chance this team is ready to perform well. If you find any questions out of alignment…well that’s where you start preparing for increased levels of performance and success. Why is the team not aligned with that particular question? What does the team, individually and collectively, need to do in order to reach alignment?

The Six Questions…

1. Why does this team exist?

2. What are the expectations of the internal and external stakeholders that we serve and support?

3. What are the written or unwritten rules of engagement that this team follows?

4. How do we recognise and leverage the diversity of this team?

5. What is our level of trust and commitment to one another?

6. What lessons should the team be learning from past success and/or failure?

In future issues of In Good Company we will explore the more detailed implications of these questions and how they fit together to form our comprehensive Team Performance Model and associated Team Performance Inventory.

(TPI) an online team diagnostic tool that helps teams identify and address barriers to team success.