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Top tips for using humour

Top tips for using humour
Published: November 25, 2014
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Impact Senior Facilitator, Simon Wheatley shares his top tips.

I think laughter is probably one of the few things that stops me from going completely round the bend. I use humour to please myself as much as my audiences. I have a motto in life: "If it ain't fun, it's not worth doing."

Most people want to smile, laugh and have fun. I also think that learning should be fun, that way people are more likely to engage in it and remember it. So I see humour as part of my job when I am delivering to my groups.

  • Think about what you want to say. So much about the success of a funny story relies on the structure of the story, its relevance and most importantly, the timing of the punchline.
  • Humour is a great way to challenge what an organisation does and how people behave. You can be very cheeky indeed when using humour and people readily laugh at themselves if challenged in this way. It is a great way to open up an otherwise tricky conversation.
  • Learn from other funny people. If you laughed at something you saw, chances are others will. Watch comedians on telly and note how they do their stuff. Try stuff out to build your confidence.

Do you use laughter at your daily job? Share your tips for using humour in the comment box below.