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Human-centred organisations: what they are, why we need them and how to be one

Human-centred organisations: what they are, why we need them and how to be one
Published: October 16, 2023
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The pandemic has taught us two important lessons. The first is that radical change at scale and speed is possible. The second is that the thing that is most important to all of us is each other, our relationships, our humanity.

These two lessons arrive at a time when we desperately need many more organisations to step up and act as forces for good in the world. The triple challenges of climate heating, biodiversity loss and deepening global inequality demand attention and action at speed and scale. Our organisations are in the front-line of our response.

How can organisations take forward the lessons from the pandemic? How can organisations embed the agility we all need in the face of uncertainty?

They can become Human-Centred Organisations.

This paper is designed primarily to foster dialogue rather than present our opinions as truth. We'd love to know what you think. We can only build more human-centred organisations by learning something new together.

By Grahame Broadbelt, Impact's Global Head of Communication and R&D.