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我们充满活力、才华横溢且热情洋溢,想要有所作为,分布在全球 30 多个地点。

Trees and roads
Francesca Gianandrea
Francesca Gianandrea
Senior Consultant and Facilitator

Senior consultant, for over 25 years I have been involved in the design, development and management of projects in both corporate and cultural organisations. Consolidated experience in team building, creativity and development of commercial skills.I love photography, practicing yoga and creating unique and colorful objects with my hands.

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Michelle Dong
China and Hong Kong
Michelle Dong
Senior Consultant, China

In all my work, I am driven by a profound interest in what moves and motivates people. I believe that everybody can make significant improvements through continuous self-exploration. I deliver individual coaching, workshops and training programs with the focus of increasing the potential of Senior Managers and High Potentials and developing their team leadership skills as well as helping them with behavioural change initiatives which naturally bring along performance improvements. 

Alex Dickson
Alex Dickson
Head of Digital Design and Development, UK

I'm fortunate to manage an incredibly talented team of creative and innovative people who design and develop immersive virtual experiential learning solutions for our clients. As a lifelong learner and self-confessed history nerd, I love the opportunity Impact gives me to work at the intersection of learning and technology.


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John Scott
New Zealand
John Scott
Consultant, New Zealand

People are at the heart of everything I do and I care deeply about ensuring individuals and teams have the skills, support and temperament to best deal with their future. In my spare time I chair the board of a local art gallery and support the development of our growing community of emerging and successful artists.


Anna Brulińska Impact International
Anna Brulińska
Head of Consultants, Poland

I am responsible for knowledge management, new solutions and coordinating associates. An active coach, psychologist and psychotherapist, I have over 20 years experience as HR manager with orientation on quality and business-context solutions. I have a broad knowledge about HR processes, policies and tools, verified by implementation. I am a mother of a teenage boy and in my free time I love going to concerts and jazz singing.

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Yutaka Sugimoto, Impact
Yutaka Sugimoto(Yutaka)
Chief Glocal Officer, Japan

I was inspired by experiential learning on a leadership programme in 1992 and have worked for Impact ever since. Experiential learning and reflection alongside theory and skills input is a platform for real behaviour change for leaders. My passion is building an organisation worth working for and supporting our clients by developing people. I play football and enjoy discussing the match with friends. Drinking beer maybe more important than playing football.

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Sarah Osteen
Sarah Osteen
Senior Consultant, Americas

I have spent my career exploring, researching, teaching, coaching and practising leadership skills. I love working with individuals and groups to tackle hurdles and develop strategic initiatives. When I am not designing programs, I like to spend time with my son and my husband building forts out of driftwood or laughing with friends in the beautiful pacific northwest.

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Phil Poole, Impact International
Phil Poole
Global Safety Advisor

I’ve been working at Impact for over 30 years and now advise on Safety. It’s a demanding job, but Impact also allows me time to have my own adventures. I am a qualified International mountain guide and run yearly expeditions to East Greenland. These experiences give me a healthy dose of “on the edge” experiences, helping me to sharpen my skills and foster a common sense approach to safety matters. There's always something different to give advice on.

Michelle Roberts, Impact International
Michelle Roberts
Head of HR, UK

I love the variety of my role, working with global clients on complex projects and learning from inspiring Impact people, no two days are the same. I’m responsible for the quality of customer service, building excellent client relationships, providing commercial strategies with meticulous project scoping and planning, alongside first class solution delivery and evaluation. I love the outdoors; walking, running or camping with our two boys and crazy cocker spaniel. 

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Simon Brown
Simon Brown
Accountant, UK

AKA Bloodaxe. I am an accountant at Impact. When I am not at work, I enjoy spending time with my family, cycling and heavy metal. Not all at the same time, though – that’d be dangerous.

Stephen Smith, Impact UK
Stephen Smith
DevOps Lead, UK

I am the DevOps Lead at Zinco, helping Impact build its web presence. I love the diversity my role brings, I work with many types of organisations and interact with some amazing people. I’m a problem solver and love tinkering with new technology to see what’s around the corner. Outside of work my passion is cycling and enjoying time with my family.

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Jon Hall Impact
Jon Hall
Head of Consulting, UK

I've enjoyed more than 11 challenging years of international work with senior leadership teams; designing & delivering innovative programmes; managing global delivery teams and coaching individuals. I'm known for an insightful and engaging style and love working in the moment with a courageous approach to challenging interventions. I love relaxing with my wife, watching my daughters perform (singing or horse riding), or sharing outdoor adventures.

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Manny Larenas Impact International
Manuel (Manny) Larenas
Senior Consultant, Americas

I am devoted to applying theory, practical application and innovation to people development. As a lead designer and facilitator with 10+ years of experience, I deliver custom client solutions globally. My insatiable curiosity stays satisfied by reading, researching and exploring the world. I love the culinary arts, and although I enjoy cooking, my passion is simply being the consumer of freshly made, delectable dishes. 

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Yoshinori (Kite) Kaino, International
Yoshinori Kaino(Kite)
Chief Executive Officer, Japan

I am responsible for “Re-Born Strategy” in Impact Japan, I am passionate about developing people and our organisation by executing all Re-Born strategic agendas. As a facilitator, I love creating and sharing the precious moments together with executives and managers who are reflectively asking themselves what leadership they would like to realise in their life/work. What I love most is drinking after working hard to make effort in realising my vision.

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Aleksandra Luboińska
Aleksandra Luboińska
Senior Consultant, Poland

Since joining Impact in 1999 life became very interesting for me! I am meeting fascinating people every day, I am privileged to peek into their daily challenges and successes. Executive teams, line managers, and employees - I love to have a full picture, and inspire them to make their lives easier, less stressful, more productive or simply more fun! I couldn’t ask for a better job. 

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Stan March, Impact Americas
Stan March
Account Director, Americas

I rely on both my unbridled curiosity and appetite for knowledge and exploration in my pursuit for continuous improvement. As an ambassador of the Impact brand, I harness this mindset to work effectively with my colleagues to increase our brand awareness and build mindshare in the marketplace. In my spare time, you can find me in the mountains skiing, hiking, and fly fishing with my wife and hound dog.

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David Williams, Impact International
David Williams
The Boss!

I co-founded Impact in 1980 to explore adventure and experiential learning in people development. It worked! We now inspire and develop people worldwide. Shared values, a common purpose and a spirit of adventure bind us together. With over 200 colleagues working in the UK, Europe, America and Asia Pacific, we have a solid reputation for enabling clients to build leadership capacity and navigate complex change. To stay grounded, I rear rare breed cattle and sheep.

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Frank Dulson Impact
Frank Dulson
Head of Global Sales

In my early career I practised as an architect in the UK and Japan. This taught me a huge amount about being curious, creative and professional to solve clients' needs. For the last 18 years I've worked globally on developing innovative world-class solutions that delight and excite clients. It's been an incredible journey from Tokyo, to Bangkok, to Paris, to New York and of course Windermere - our HQ! I love it!

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Hanna Świątkowska, Account Manager Director
Hanna Świątkowska
Account Manager Director

For over 20 years I have been on the path of exploring and connecting the world of business and personal development. I work with people and organisations from the perspective of their potential, possibilities and needs. I support change in organisations and accompany transformations. My role at Impact Polska is Account Management Director and Senior Consultant… AND I LOVE IT!

Alicja Pietrasz, Marketing Executive
Alicja Pietrasz
Digital Marketing Executive, UK

As a Digital Marketing Executive I am responsible for a broad range of global marketing projects and activities. I believe in Impact's mission, values, methodology and expertise, and I hope that thanks to my work more people around the world will hear about the great changes we make for organisations and their people. I am a nomadic soul and travel often to discover, experience and learn how the world and people differ.

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Damiao Lo
China and Hong Kong
Damiao Lo
Senior Consultant, China

Working with Impact allows me to cross-germinate ideas and learnings between clients globally. In an ever-changing, dynamic business environment, I promote everyone to be designers of possibilities.

David Cooper, Impact International
David Cooper
Senior Consultant, Americas

I have been working in L&D since 1992 and joined Impact in 2004, providing design, management, and delivery expertise to clients around the globe. Current initiatives have me consulting with clients from multiple business sectors to coach and facilitate the development of key leadership talent. I am also a past adventure consultant and professional rock climbing guide with numerous alpine and big wall ascents around the world.

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Simon Wheatley, Impact International
Simon Wheatley
Senior Consultant, UK

Analogue at birth, digital by requirement. I don’t do Facebook, and have nothing to do with hashtags. Is this bio going online? Eurgh! I am an eye-to-eye, face-to-face human being. I elevate small talk to medium talk. Then, (on a good day) to infinity and beyond. That’s my job. Favourite pastimes: Good days. Woodland crafts, festivals, and campfires. Specialist skills: Reading body language; parallel parking.

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Sabrina Bianchi Impact
Sabrina Bianchi
Head of marketing and Communication, Italy

I joined Impact in early 2022, and it was the best start to the year ever! My commitment is to develop and implement communication and marketing activities to give more and more visibility to the pathways and initiatives we create for our clients. In my spare time, I cheer for Inter and organize dinners and trips with friends and family.

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