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Leadership Team Development Programme

Coniferous forest by the water


Westpac has a long and proud history as Australia's first and oldest bank.

Westpac’s Premium Financial Services (PFS) business provides banking services for affluent customers.

The PFS Leadership Team recognised that they and a select group of top talent within PFS, would benefit from a development experience that would strengthen working relationships, enable team members to get to know each other well, establish a shared vision for the business and agree a set of operating principles to drive the business forwards.

The event was designed to build a high performance team culture at PFS.

Impact Australia worked closely with Westpac to develop a series of challenging and engaging residential team experiences, in a spectacular location in the Blue Mountains near Sydney. The programmes comprised the following key elements:

  • Experiential team and leadership development activities

  • Theoretical inputs on relevant concepts  

  • Self-disclosure and feedback

  • Facilitated dialogue around priorities for the PFS business

‘After a long working relationship with Impact in the UK, I was eager to engage them in my early days as the General Manager of PFS. We ran two sessions, and both events were brilliant. As a participant and a leader I saw immense benefits on a personal and business level. We went to the Blue Mountains as 12 very separate individuals and returned back as one team. We now have clarity of vision, purpose and direction along with a unique bond that will allow us to soar to new heights.’ - Andy Fell, General Manager, Premium Financial Services

Barbara Fuchs
Vice President, PGIM Talent Management
“Six cohorts into the programme and I could not be more optimistic about the capability of our PGIM leaders to take us into the future.” 
Adam Eaton
Director of Group Management
"These experiential development projects deliver significant benefit; connectivity to the company’s purpose, ‘prosperity and peace of mind’, a tangible sense of well- being and rapid team formation. Impact have delivered some extremely well organised projects that have had a very beneficial effect on the local community.”
Lynne Atkin
HR Director
"The success of the Emerging Leaders Programme has exceeded my expectations. The content is relevant, the selection process is rigorous - and it delivers. We are seeing a clear increase in leadership capability within this talent population. This is now coming to fruition as we see more and more individuals who attend the programme going on to take on more demanding roles - be that within their current level or to more senior roles. The programme is recognised by our Executive Team as talent enabler."