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Podcast: Systems leadership

Kate Simpson
Published: August 23, 2024
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An In Good Company podcast with Dr Kate Simpson, Director of the Systemcraft Institute

Navigating the complexities: mastering system leadership

The world is facing more complex challenges than ever before. The climate crisis, migration, inequality, food security... the list goes on. These complex challenges are global and systemic, and they can't possibly have a single owner. Their interconnectivity and interdependence is not to be underestimated – what seems an obvious solution to one challenge might cause more damage to another. They are beyond the reach of traditional leadership approaches. So, what is the answer? 

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Dr Kate Simpson is Director of the Systemcraft Institute and joins our podcast to talk about systems leadership. Systems leadership is a complex topic that we’ve recognised as a common thread across recent podcasts on the polycrisis, VUCA, BANI and sustainability. We’re delighted that Kate joined us to explain what systems leadership is and how it can be applied to these complex problems, enabling leaders and organisations to address them collectively, and contribute to a more peaceful, equitable and sustainable world. 

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What is systems leadership and why is it relevant for the complex world that leaders are navigating today?

I think it can mean two quite different things that get talked about interchangeably. On one side there's leadership for systems change. And on the other, there's a systems-informed way of doing leadership. And they're quite different.

Leadership for system change is where you say OK, there's some sort of systems gap, some sort of inequity that means the current way of doing things is delivering great outcomes for some, but poor outcomes for another. Leadership for systems change is where you start with the problem and you bring together the stakeholders across sectors, organisations, people etc. And the purpose is to change an element of the system.

Systems leadership is different. It focuses on thinking about organisations and communities less as machines and more as natural systems. It’s the antidote to traditional leadership command-and-control stuff. That approach doesn't work when you're dealing with complex problems. Systems leadership is a way of doing leadership that looks at things in a less hierarchical way, focusing on the relationships that connect people, and understanding and influencing the broader system in which your organisation or community operates.

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Head to our YouTubeSpotify channels to catch up on previous episodes, including…

035: Mental health and performance with Dr Jenn Ghandi, Mental Health and Wellbeing Manager at The Football Association

Coming up

037: The impact of Gen AI on leadership and organisational cultures with Michael Molinaro

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