Ericsson Market Unit South East Europe (MUSEE) is part of the Ericsson group. Ericsson MUSEE worked with Impact Italia on a new way to identify potential future leaders.
Ericsson MUSEE wanted a new way to develop their people and identify potential future leaders. They wanted to create a learning environment that allowed the participants to:
- Engage emotionally in a challenging experience
- Take time to reflect on their own behaviours
- Focus on personal growth for career development.
Impact Italia and Ericsson MUSEE worked in partnership to create an innovative and challenging programme focusing on personal and professional development. It was vital that the participants used the programme to help them understand how to improve their personal effectiveness and to take ownership of their individual development action plan.
Pre-event the programme included 360 feedback, a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality inventory and a session with an Impact coach. During the two and a half day programme the participants took part in a series of experiential projects that included ethical dilemmas and an 'in-tray' exercise. They were also filmed delivering a presentation enabling them to critique their public speaking skills. Impact Italia facilitated group discussions and learning reviews throughout. Following a final feedback session, the participants created their own development action plans.
“This new programme has been a huge success. The participants were deeply involved and gained awareness and motivation by asking themselves: 'who am I?' 'what do I want to change?' Many have said this was the most memorable development event they have ever participated in.
Co-operation with Impact was excellent. We especially appreciated their consultative skills and creativity in designing the programme, their ability to listen to our needs and also their observation and feedback abilities with the participants during the programme."
Piero Beltrame, Human Resource, Ericsson MU Sud Est Europa