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Purple sunflower

Five top awards from Brandon Hall Group

Five Impact clients have been awarded HCM Excellence Awards® by Brandon Hall Group. We've scooped three gold, one silver and one bronze award in 2024.

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

What can leaders learn from athletes?

There is perhaps no profession more obvious than sports – where an individual’s beliefs, focus and interactions can so clearly influence successful, and sometimes not so successful, outcomes. But what...

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Sustainable Innovation

Sustainable Development Goals

Impact’s Community Partnerships Manager Jo Appleby discusses the UN SDGs and what they mean for people and businesses everywhere. Late last year I attended an event on ‘How to embed the Sustainable...

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Innovation & Creativity

Alchemic learning

Very recently a few of us at Impact decided to remind ourselves of what actually ‘makes us learn’. We made this a very personal enquiry and each thought hard about why some learning really sticks and...

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Digital & Technology

Leadership in the digital age

New technology is changing everything in increasingly unpredictable ways. Every senior leader in every organisation everywhere must be able to answer a simple question: ‘How do we evolve?’

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Happy New Year greetings from Shanghai

Impact’s Head of Asia, Phil Holdsworth , looks at the year ahead and what it means for organisations in Asia. The 2016 Chinese New Year celebrations begin on the 8 th February and 2016 is the Year of...

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Innovation & Creativity

Top tips for smarter thinking

Drs Jamie Barker and Martin Turner from The Smarter Thinking Project share their best advice on smarter thinking for improved performance. Recognise One of the most important things about Smarter...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

What motivates you?

Ruth Ollis is a Senior Programme Manager at Impact UK. We all come to work in the morning, but have you ever considered what motivates you to enjoy being here 9-5? Money? Of course…but subconsciously...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Bouncing back

Mumback (mum/bak) noun a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth returning to the place of work. “Mumback” - this is what Lily Allen dubbed her return to the stage after 4...

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The winds of change are blowing!

New Year offers us all an opportunity to reflect on what has happened, to draw a fresh breath and to prepare ourselves for what is next. The very nature of work is changing fast. Disruptive innovation...

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Digital & Technology

5 tips to make virtual learning work for you

Impact Italia's Federica Bocciardi offers some top tips for making virtual learning work for you. Are you just about to design or to buy a virtual learning programme? Here are some tips for you based...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Happy at work?

As economies slowly recover from recession and we look to our future feeling a little more secure, the question “are you happy at work?” keeps cropping up in conversations I’m having with colleagues...

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Facilitating multicultural teams

We asked Impact's Penelope Mavor for some top tips on facilitating multicultural teams. Penelope is a New Zealander, British citizen and lives in Rome, and has been facilitating multicultural groups...

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Emerging Talent

Millennials managed

Generational gaps have always existed in the workplace and managing them is a perpetual topic of debate, concern, and learning. Through his work for Impact, David Cooper has been bringing together...

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How can work be a great adventure?

Impact associate, Howard Crook, shares his thoughts on adventure, with inspiration from the Kendal Mountain Film Festival . Every year Kendal, a small town near Impact's HQ in the Lake District, hosts...

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Sustainable Innovation

Sustainability - feeling the stretch?

Inspired by the UN's new set of global development goals, Impact associate Penelope Mavor asks what stretching goals you are setting - on an individual and organisational level. After a lot of work...

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The 4 challenges Impact's Daniele Pigni faced when he made the move from Italy to Asia...

Moving to a different continent has been one of the most challenging yet fulfilling experiences of my life. It has increased my cultural sensitivity, developed me as a person and changed the way I see...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

How do you make learning stick?

Greg Bartlett , Senior Consultant for Impact Australia, shares his top tips on making learning stick. Keep it simple The harder a set of instructions or procedure are in your head, the harder it is to...

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Digital & Technology

Making the most of digital?

From researching purchases to paying for the chosen goods, from collaborating with colleagues to influencing customers, digital is the glue that underpins so many everyday interactions, at both work...

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Sustainable Innovation

Building organisations worth working for

So, here’s a question. Is your organisation worth working for? We have been asking that question in a whole host of conversations over recent months. We have been asking it because we are interested...

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How will you navigate another VUCA year?

Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) are common words used by organisations to describe market challenges. As we think about the modern global business environment, the digital...

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Lawnmower leadership

I had some thoughts whilst mowing the lawn this Saturday evening. I decided to share them in the hope that they might help us all spot leadership talent. I had four lawns to cut in the garden. LAWN...

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Sustainable Innovation

Living wages: desirable, feasible, inevitable

Jo Appleby , Impact’s Head of Partnerships, recently attended Living Wages: Desirable, Feasible, Inevitable an event hosted by KPMG, Global Compact UK Network and the Ethical Trading Initiative. She...

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Leadership competencies are dead

You don’t have to look far to find the latest 'definitive' list of leadership competencies. Yet the more of these lists we see, and the longer they grow, the further away we get from any real sense of...

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Top tips for public speaking

There you are – staring out at the mass of spectators before you. An eager audience waiting with bated breath and ready to hang on every word. This may be your first time; it may be your 50 th . Still...

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5 lessons from...Talent is overrated

This week we're reading... Talent is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else by Geoff Colvin

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Is your team ready for success?

Six Key Questions You Should Ask Yourselves Based upon interest in our recent piece on Team Success , where we explored 6 questions related to team success and performance, we’re now going to take a...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Getting your to-do list done

Impact’s Becky Foxen and the wider Business Support Coordinators team share their top tips on how to get things ticked off your to do list.

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Managing work

Forget time management, the key skill is managing your work. Impact’s Grahame Broadbelt shares some thoughts and some tools he uses every day. At this time of year we are assaulted by material that...

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I am me

When I was 16 years old, I was lucky enough to attend a four-week, residential, personal development programme. It completely changed my life and set me on a course of experiences and achievements...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

5 top tips for successful project management

Sarah Wragg , one of Impact's Client Managers, shares her top tips on how to be successful in the field of Project Management.

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

The beauty of doing one thing at a time

I have always admired people who are able to work on more than one project at a time, the real multi-taskers. In fact I can remember times when, as a manager, I could be quite critical of people who...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

3 ways to improve your emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence has a well-established seat at the development table these days, being widely accepted as one of the key differentiators and the foundation of building leadership capacity...

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Is your team prepared for success?

Impact Americas' Senior Consultant, David Cooper , gives us 6 essential questions. This is a question you could well be asking yourself - whether you are joining a new team, leading a team, or an...

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Teams need to bridge the action gap

At this time of year we work with a lot of companies who use these first few months to galvanise the performance of their key teams - learning lessons from the past year and planning ahead. One of the...

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Me or we?

Do you prefer to work individually or as part of a team? It's a question I find quite hard to answer. Popular opinion has it that working in high performing teams with a common purpose enables us to...

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Digital & Technology

Are we about to be outsmarted by artificial intelligence?

Since my recent post on the challenge of human jobs being rapidly replaced by robots ( Humans Need Not Apply ), there have been further developments. Eminent minds as diverse as Stephen Hawking and...

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Happy old year

I love the anticipation involved in a New Year. Making plans for the future, setting out to achieve new things and making commitments to myself and to Impact that I genuinely intend to keep. The...

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