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Discover and debate opinions about what really matters in organisations.

Purple sunflower

Collective experience: An opportunity for hybrid organisations

Hybrid work is here to stay. But hybrid does present challenges. Large group, leadership workshops for events can catalyse performance and help drive business results.

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Digital & Technology

The greatest organisational challenges of 2024

Our global series of events brought 183 leaders together in New York, London, Singapore and Zurich. They named their biggest organisational challenge and discussed how to shape tomorrow's workplace in...

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I don't have time for a 1:1

...You haven’t got time not to Not to do ourselves out of business, but I do believe that companies could make a step change in their individual, team and ultimately their organisational performance -...

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Emerging Talent

If I were a new graduate

September. In my view, that time of the year, second only to January, in which we feel that sense of 'fresh' and 'starting a new'. Students (and maybe us adults too) are gleaming ear to ear with new...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Wholehearted leadership

Erin Tetarenko of Impact Australia shares her personal journey on Wholehearted Leadership. It’s been nine years since I first learned a lesson that would impact my life forever, one that would...

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Sustainable Innovation

In conversation with...

Mark Quest and I sat in The Lion. The Lion is the name of our smallest meeting room here at Impact HQ. We also have meeting rooms called The Sun and The Rule and a Management Information System we...

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Sustainable Innovation

Being the change: My volunteering memory

I woke up in Luton that winter morning in 2011 knowing that the decision had been made. It was on a gap year between my first and second degrees and, like many people in their twenties, I didn’t know...

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Innovation & Creativity
Wellbeing & Personal Development

What's your hammock?

Mark Quest, Impact UK Consultant, reflects back to a hot sunny day when his ability to work in the office was challenged and his response was to take to his hammock! It’s the middle of summer. My...

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Apprenticeships - opportunities for all

Impact have a strong history of working with apprentices and with the introduction of the apprenticeship levy we have been helping clients to work out how to make the most of this exciting opportunity...

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Filling the world with organisations worth working for

Is your organisation full of people who are worth working with? At Impact our guiding purpose is to fill the world with organisations worth working for. We are passionate about the need for all...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Who runs the mind?

Mind Managing for Goal Achievement Mind management and mental preparation begin with an understanding of how the brain might function in terms of our focus of attention. I picked up on a piece of...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

An expert's guide to failure

Last year I went out to run the Bob Graham Round - solo. I failed. This is not a story about how I failed but really I succeeded; about finding a greater meaning; about failure being a state of mind...

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Sustainable Innovation

Force4Good: Leading an industry

I’m Dave Kowal, the Chief People and Sustainability Officer for Vita. The Vita Group is an advanced manufacturer of foams that are used for furniture, bedding, transport, and other applications. If...

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People own what they create

Impact's Head of Creative Change, Dom Fitch, digs deep into the concept of living changerously. This is my Nordic butter spreader – there are many Nordic butter spreaders like this but this is my...

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ReWild yourself

"Is this cooked? It doesn't look cooked to me," says Jonathan as he probes the spit roast chickens with his Sami knife, squinting as the wood smoke stings his eyes. "Yep," says Greavsie, carnivore-in...

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Sustainable Innovation

Force4Good: Pioneering sustainable tourism

John Maddy: Joint founder and owner of Long Valley Yurts John Maddy is the co-founder and co-owner of Long Valley Yurts , based in the Lake District. From the very beginning, John and his business...

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Sustainable Innovation

Force4Good: Ethical business practice

Tom Martlew: Co-founder of Nito Design Tom is a 23-year-old designer and co-founder of Nito Design, along with his business partner Nic. Tom is based in Kendal and spent much of his young life in the...

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Sustainable Innovation

Force4Good: Mind Over Mountains

Alex Staniforth : Inspirational speaker and f ounder of Mind Over Mountains By the age of twenty, Alex Staniforth had already made two Everest attempts. For many who attempt Everest, you either summit...

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Sustainable Innovation

One solution for a sustainable world

Can there really be one solution for a sustainable world? This might sound like a bold statement but I believe it to be true. As a global society we’re currently on a path that is not sustainable – we...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Time for yourself = more time for others

My dad was a very good painter and decorator, eventually running his own (very small) business complete with the obligatory Trotter’s Trading Company yellow van. I used to work with him in the summer...

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Sustainable Innovation

Force4Good: A warming planet

Ashley Cooper, Photographer and Force4Good collaborator For the last 20 years, I’ve been a professional environmental photographer and have spent 14 years travelling to every continent to document the...

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Sustainable Innovation

Force4Good: Rooted in nature

David Williams, Founder and CEO of Impact and Force4Good Collaborator I first came to the Lake District in 1974 at age 18 to attend Charlotte Mason College in Ambleside. I was training as a teacher in...

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Sustainable Innovation

Force4Good: Passion for geography

Jonathan Stevens, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Fellow, Leadership development consultant and collaborator. I’m at the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with Jonathan Stevens, chair of the RGS...

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Sustainable Innovation

Force4Good: At the heart of the local community

Simon Rayner, owner of the Hare and Hounds at Bowland Bridge, and Force4Good collaborator The Hare and Hounds is a gorgeous 17th-century inn, located in the picturesque village of Bowland Bridge, not...

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Sustainable Innovation

Rising to the challenge

Fourteen years ago, I started to read about climate change, at a time when few people were aware of the problem. As an environmental photographer I decided to do something. I organised a specific...

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Sustainable Innovation

Force4Good: The perfect place to be

Rich Metcalfe, Owner of Homeground Café, Windermere, Lake District and Force4Good collaborator Having just celebrated its 7th Birthday, Homeground is a pinnacle of the Windermere community. Situated...

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Sustainable Innovation

Force4Good: Inspiring greater diverse representation

Winnie Poaty, Entrepreneur, @winniepoaty Meet one of our Impact Force4Good collaborators, Winnie Poaty. She is an open water swimmer, and advocate for mental wellness and diversity. Winnie is based on...

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Sustainable Innovation

Force4Good: The Lake District is a competitive advantage

Paul Riley, CEO and owner of Coniston Corporate, High quality customised embroidery workwear It’s not without a little apprehension that I approach the meeting point with Paul. Paul is a very good...

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Sustainable Innovation

Force4Good: From Wasdale to Japan

Sue Hunt, Non-Executive Director of Impact Previously: Director of Strategic programmes London 2012 Olympic Games; MD Goldman Sachs; Chartered accountant What is your connection to the Lake District...

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Sustainable Innovation

Decision time

I have been working as a mountain guide this winter, taking clients backcountry skiing in the mountains of Hokkaido, the north island of Japan. Clients come to ski the best lines in the best...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Doing well by doing good

The Royal Albert Hall has been hosting concerts in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust since 2000, with the biggest names in music and comedy coming together each year to raise money to help young people...

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Interview - David Batstone

Where does your drive to contribute to the world come from? For some reason it is easier for religious people to talk about “a calling.” A sense that you were put into the world to pursue a particular...

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Employee experience

Why employee engagement is one of the most undervalued drivers of lasting change. When it comes to digital transformation, a step-change in focus on customer experience is commonly seen to be one of...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Q not A

A four-year-old girl will ask almost 390 questions a day. Eventually these numbers dwindle as she ages, in part because they don’t include the questions she mutters to herself while submerged in...

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Sustainable Innovation

The times have begun to change!

The first update on our three year project to research and educate on the global problem of plastic pollution in our oceans. Early in January 2017, after many weeks of preparation and getting Sula...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Mount Kilimanjaro - my personal classroom

‘This mountain reminds me that I am made of steel! ’ said an MBA student, fresh off the summit of Kilimanjaro. Another student wrote to me the following week: ‘I’ve wanted to do humanitarian work for...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Roots or wings

Roots and Wings. Hopefully we are cultivating or challenging one or the other at any particular time. We see it in the news and in our own lives. Obama’s parting comment to African leaders was that...

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Living in a time of 'great winds' of change

This is an edited excerpt from the book "Future Fit" by Giles Hutchins, published by the Future Fit Leadership Academy. An old Chinese proverb says, "In times of great winds, some build bunkers...

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