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Discover and debate opinions about what really matters in organisations.

Purple sunflower

Collective experience: An opportunity for hybrid organisations

Hybrid work is here to stay. But hybrid does present challenges. Large group, leadership workshops for events can catalyse performance and help drive business results.

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Digital & Technology

The greatest organisational challenges of 2024

Our global series of events brought 183 leaders together in New York, London, Singapore and Zurich. They named their biggest organisational challenge and discussed how to shape tomorrow's workplace in...

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Changing the team dynamic: Becoming a leader who coaches

Let’s imagine that you are excited to add coaching into your repertoire of leadership actions, but your fast-paced team is not used to being coached; on the contrary, they are used to you giving them...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Five-minute desk yoga break

We invite you to take a five-minute yoga break with Impact's Sam Carey. No yoga experience is required!

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

What are your holiday/wholeday commitments?

Holidays, are a holy time – a period to rest, relax and recharge. They are sacred occasions to honour and be grateful for. Occasions we maybe feeling particularly grateful for in the recent few months...

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Storytelling: A crucial leadership skill

How the art of storytelling can be harnessed to effectively motivate and engage talent Our life is full of stories: stories of what we have done or of what we are about to do. Our nations are built...

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Management Development

Confronting the need for confrontation

Karen Jaques is a Senior Consultant at Impact UK. Below she looks at the challenges of challenging and offers some quick tips. One of the hardest skills to acquire as a manager is that of skilfully...

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How to have challenging conversations

What should you be talking about? That challenging conversation you’ve been meaning to have… Jonathan Stevens , Head of Client Solutions, explores below. Are you avoiding a challenging conversation...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Goal setting: Don't get lost in the sauce

Homemade, jarred tomato sauce: it’s a standout on my list of goals for 2021. Amongst career, health and lifestyle aspirations, it stands out because I know it will be fun and has the potential to...

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Sustainable Innovation

Sustainability means nothing!

For me, the word ‘sustainability’ is a nonsense word. It’s completely meaningless. Victoria Halina notes that when the word ‘sustainable’ was first used in an environmental context in 1972, it didn’t...

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Podcast: From cannibals to Cambodia ft Hannes Schmid

In this episode, we hear incredible and sometimes almost unbelievable tales of photographic artist, adventurer and painter, Hannes Schmid. From being imprisoned by cannibals to photographing rock...

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Innovation & Creativity

Podcast: Challenge, innovation and change

Stories are everything. They help us understand the world and reflect on how we should live in it. They help us engage with the big unwieldy issues we encounter in our lives. At their best, they allow...

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It is time to make all organisations more human

‘Remember your humanity. Forget the rest…’ – Bertrand Russell In the world of organisational change, there are two things we hear all the time. Firstly, that change is inevitable, that organisations...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Surviving the lockdown: Tips from a working mum

Ever since I had my children, I have been a working mum. I am very proud of this fact, despite constant feelings of guilt – either for not being the best mum or alternatively not being who I was at...

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Human-centred change: Three reframes

Three reframes for human-centred change We live in a time characterised by uncertainty and volatility, with disruption becoming less of an event and more of a pervasive condition . But each shock that...

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Digital & Technology

Teamwork in a virtual world

We asked Head of Impact Asia Helen Hibbott to share some of her top tips for keeping a team connected virtually. Helen manages the Impact Asia team across five different countries. Connect often as a...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Self-care: The performance and wellbeing enhancer

The three things that cause us the most stress are uncertainty, uncontrollability and unknowns. Do they sound familiar? In 2020 especially, I felt all three most of the time. Humans are highly...

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Digital & Technology

The good, the bad, and the future of learning and development

As we entered 2021, we caught up with Impact’s founder and CEO, David Williams, to get his thoughts on the biggest challenges facing the L&D sector in 2021. Here is what he told us: Custom-designed...

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Digital & Technology

A new year ahead: What to take with us and what to leave behind

It is too easy to look back on 2020 as a terrible year – full of pain, loss, uncertainty and fear – and to discard it, moving on without a backwards glance. It is too easy because looking deeper is...

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Digital & Technology

The revolutionary role of digital technology in learning

The virtual shift that took place in 2020 has revolutionised the way we work and live, generating both positive and negative changes to our daily lives, many of which are here to stay. For many...

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Digital & Technology
Sustainable Innovation

Engagement and culture in a virtual world

Reflecting on the big questions of 2020 and looking forward to 2021, Impact's UK Head of Consulting, Qudsia Karim, muses on the issues affecting people and culture in newly virtual workplaces... When...

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Celebrating forty years of Impact

Forty years ago, when I founded Impact, I had no intention of building and managing a global business. I just wanted to earn a living from doing what I love – helping people to realise their full...

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The CEOs sacrificing salaries in a time of crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the economy and job market in a way many of us have never seen before. Some organisations have been forced to close with no re-opening dates in sight. Others have...

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BLM: A catalyst for organisational change

Senior Consultant Jo Appleby shares her recent experience of working with Cynthia Adebiyi-Yekinni on the UNGC’s Black Lives Matter & Business series. This series came about in the aftermath of George...

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Sustainable Innovation

In good company with... Cynthia Adebiyi-Yekinni

Education, careers, opportunities, mental health, injustices, leadership action. This episode features the fascinating journey of Cynthia Adebiyi-Yekinni from the UN Global Compact UK. Cynthia joins...

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Digital & Technology

Five best practices for creating powerful virtual learning experiences

It is now clear that the disruptions of Covid-19 will result in changes to the way that we engage learners. Many remain remote and dispersed, and even those who are back at work have new protocols and...

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Innovation & Creativity

The hope of 'yet'

We haven’t reached our targets. We haven’t organised ourselves in the way we need to. We haven’t made all the difficult decisions. We haven’t found a cure for Covid. We haven’t made sense of it all...

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Systems, consciousness and leadership

How does our consciousness impact our actions? What effect does our mindset have on their outcomes? Heather Monro considers the potential that vertical development theory has to revolutionise the way...

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How do we have more courageous conversations?

Here at Impact we do a lot of talking ­– a lot. But when we spend our working days going from meeting to meeting it’s very easy to fall into the trap of conversing less like human individuals and more...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Wellbeing: A collective responsibility

How can organisations support and encourage individual responsibility for wellbeing? Wellbeing in the workplace – whose responsibility is it? Perhaps more than any other initiative, it finds itself...

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In a VUCA world the biggest risk is inaction

I have found myself in lots of conversations about risk recently - with clients and partners as well as with the Impact team. Partly this is a result of a growing optimism as the global economy...

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Management Development

Leading without authority

As governments, businesses and communities around the world struggle in the continued grip of the Covid-19 pandemic, it becomes clear that what we are living through is not just a health crisis, but...

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How do you fix a strategy that's stuck?

When discussing with clients the development needs of their rising generation of talent, one of the things that we often hear is that ‘we need them to be more strategic’. What do they mean by this? I...

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Teams or groups of superstars?

"What we need to do is learn to work in the system, by which I mean that everybody, every team, every platform, every division, every component is there not for competitive profit or recognition, but...

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Life after COVID-19: Organisational survival and the need for change

Five months after publishing his hugely successful article Life after COVID-19: An invitation to reimagine the future , Impact CEO and founder, David Williams, shares his latest thoughts about what...

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Going virtual: Thoughts from a learning facilitator

Senior Consultant and Head of Global Talent UK, Charlie Somers Cocks, shares her experience of running a successful global programme in the middle of a pandemic, reflecting on our new leadership needs...

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Unlocking leadership agility

Impact define leadership agility as the ability to react quickly with adaptive and decisive leadership action to successfully address real-time challenges in your environment . As you can imagine...

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Digital & Technology

Podcast: Impact's digital transformation

Every organisation has had to embrace the digital world in some way. Here's our story about how we've done just that.

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