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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Start again

Start again
Published: March 15, 2018
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Not being the most technically competent person, I have this profound respect for the reset button.

So you can imagine the delight when, on a meditation retreat, I finally figured out, we have an internal one.

By the repetitive resounding voice of a meditation teacher.

“Start again.

Start again with a calm and tranquil mind.

An alert and attentive mind

A balanced and equanimous mind.”

He would repeat this, session after session. First it was incredibly annoying. But in the end, I got it. The realisation that in any moment, we can reset. There is always the opportunity to...start again.

And it is the same whether we are returning to work after our holidays with a heavy heart, bounce in our step or with ambivalence.

Despite how ready we feel to get back to work or not, how restful or rejuvenating our holidays were or weren’t, how our performance appraisal went last year, how successful we have or haven’t been, what emails are in our inbox or not, at any time we can choose to press the reset button, and start again with new resolve, attitudes, behaviours and actions.

Similarly the concept of ‘beginner’s mind’ encourages us to start afresh with whatever we face. We learn to approach things and people as if for the first time, without preconceived notions, assumptions and judgements. We reset from our automatic ways. We don’t react from a place of what we know, but lean into the openness and curiosity of the unknown. We deal with what is in front of us, the reality as it is, as opposed to what has happened or not happened in the past.

And when we find ourselves faulting, retreating back to our old ways, we reset, gently forgive ourselves, open our hearts and start again.

For, from this moment, this starting point, we have 100% of our life left.  And that gives us plenty of options.

Happy resetting in 2018.

Penelope Mavor is an Associate at Impact with over 20 years of international experience as a coach, consultant and facilitator across sectors. She believes in the connection between personal and global transformation. Check out her blog Earth Converse.