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Digital learning solutions


air™ is Impact’s own bespoke learning application, designed to deliver the high-performance results that are driving our clients’ most pressing learning needs. 

Rock formations form above

Context, not content

We wanted to build a digital tool that would allow us to take experiential learning to scale and deliver blended and virtual learning seamlessly. air™ provides a sophisticated, highly connected open canvas for learning designers. It does a lot more than simply offer access to content libraries. 


Performance is everything. All organisations need to elevate people performance to respond to a dynamic and challenging marketplace. This isn’t easy. Providing access to great content is nowhere near enough.

air™ propels users away from the screen and into real work with real people, experimenting, practising and performing where it matters.

Every organisation is different because their market context is different. In the race for learning and performance, one size does not fit all.

air™ delivers adaptive, customised learning designed for clients using our hard-won experience over 40 years. air™ supports face-to-face, blended or fully digital solutions and integrates seamlessly into clients’ learning ecosystems.

air™ is fully integrated with MS Teams, allowing us to connect learning and team collaboration together to transform performance.

Our clients are using air™ right now to transform the leadership capabilities of thousands of leaders across the globe.

air™ is simple to use but has a very sophisticated design. This means we can deliver custom, experiential, adaptive learning programmes at scale, in which thousands of learners are on the same journey but all experience it differently depending on their individual context, needs and performance.

Breathing life into virtual learning

Many of our clients – too many – find that employees are not engaging with digital learning content. We wanted to bring digital learning to life because any organisation that is not learning successfully right now is not going to succeed ahead. We have to make virtual learning effective at delivering performance. Here are some quick features of the air™ experience.

Structured Support

air™ provides structured support to employees as they progress along a deliberate learning journey.

Custom Solutions

air™ provides Impact's learning designers with an open canvas they can use to create custom solutions for a huge range of learning needs.=

Microsoft Teams Integration

air™ can now be integrated into MS Teams allowing for a seamless learning workflow.

Intuitive Interface

air™ has an interface that is intuitive and simple, making it easy to use for learners, solution designers and administrators. air is designed to work with existing LMS software and content libraries and lots of other learning technologies. air is white-labelled and can be easily branded in corporate livery.

Shared Experiences

air™ encourages and supports employees to learn from each other through powerful and challenging shared experiences.

air app