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Leadership in action for UniCredit

Road by the coast


Xelion is the Italian investment banking division of the Unicredito Group.

In early 2006, Xelion began to develop a senior and middle management leadership programme for 50 managers from central functions and sales. It needed to be innovative and challenging, with a focus on active leadership.

Impact Italia responded to Xelion’s needs by designing a Community Action Programme, to bring together the business and its communities for mutual benefit and learning.

The participants worked on a real project requiring them to design and lead a fundraising campaign taking place in 100 Italian piazzas to generate 500,000 Euros.

The managers were deeply affected by the community experience and the real consequences of their leadership actions. The community partner directly benefited from Xelion’s expertise and energy and the improved competencies of the managers.

See what our customers say about us
Aidan Keough
Head of Retail Banking
St George Bank
“The workshop is very practical and built my confidence to be a better coach. The real plays were so useful to go back to my team and have more effective helping conversations. I am now more prepared and have a framework to use”
Lynne Atkin
HR Director
"The success of the Emerging Leaders Programme has exceeded my expectations. The content is relevant, the selection process is rigorous - and it delivers. We are seeing a clear increase in leadership capability within this talent population. This is now coming to fruition as we see more and more individuals who attend the programme going on to take on more demanding roles - be that within their current level or to more senior roles. The programme is recognised by our Executive Team as talent enabler."
Adam Eaton
Director of Group Management
"These experiential development projects deliver significant benefit; connectivity to the company’s purpose, ‘prosperity and peace of mind’, a tangible sense of well- being and rapid team formation. Impact have delivered some extremely well organised projects that have had a very beneficial effect on the local community.”