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Purple sunflower

Five top awards from Brandon Hall Group

Five Impact clients have been awarded HCM Excellence Awards® by Brandon Hall Group. We've scooped three gold, one silver and one bronze award in 2024.

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

What can leaders learn from athletes?

There is perhaps no profession more obvious than sports – where an individual’s beliefs, focus and interactions can so clearly influence successful, and sometimes not so successful, outcomes. But what...

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Emerging Talent

Inspiring the next generation

Five years ago I had a life changing experience. I suddenly realised I had a responsibility that I hadn’t been aware of. It’s a responsibility that I now find hugely rewarding - helping to inspire...

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Remembering the Tsunami

Ten years ago Impact's Hannah Irwin experienced the Indian Ocean Tsunami first hand. This is her story. The Boxing Day Tsunami in 2004 was the most devastating natural disaster in modern times...

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Are you afraid of making mistakes?

Don't be. If you really want to learn from your experience and become better at what you do, then embrace failure, learn from it and move on fast. There's too much procrastination around. Too many...

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Touching people's hearts

Isn't it strange how you often find something when you are not actually looking for it? Last Friday, I attended Connect at the Savoy in London and had a really productive day, meeting up with HR...

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An unexpected telephone call

In Washington, exactly one hundred years ago, a committee of Congress was convened to consider the then relatively new practice of ‘scientific management’. After hearing from dozens of witnesses...

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Innovation & Creativity

Top tips for using humour

Impact Senior Facilitator, Simon Wheatley shares his top tips I think laughter is probably one of the few things that stops me from going completely round the bend. I use humour to please myself as...

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Digital & Technology

Humans need not apply

Last week the CIPD ran a headline suggesting that ‘half of current occupations won’t exist by 2025’. This announcement follows a lot of recent talk proposing the idea that we are rapidly approaching a...

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Building desire

Why do organisations invest in people development, and what do they expect from their investment? Surely, the main reason is to achieve individual and organisational change in behaviour. Whether the...

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The difference between training and development

The difference between training and development has always intrigued me. During my training to become a school teacher, I soon became aware that teaching and learning are not the same thing. Creating...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

You on a 'good' day

Every company Impact works with expects a lot from their people. In turn people expect a lot from their company. One of the big issues confronting both employer and employee is the sheer volume of...

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Success needs a measure. What's yours?

Every organisation we have ever worked with has a plan. A plan that says something about their aspirations as a business. Some plans are pretty detailed and weighty - lots of graphs with lines...

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Who is more important, the customer or the boss?

Explore how fear and internal politics can trap companies in a cycle of stagnation and poor customer service. Learn how shifting focus to genuinely serving customers and breaking free from a self...

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Learning to Motivate Others

All organisations aim to create the conditions through which their employees can give of their best. Yet working out the best way to motivate performance is a challenge we see many constantly struggle...

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Multi generational learning

We hear from Liz Wilson, Senior Consultant at Impact International... For a while now I’ve had the urge to mix people up – to have the long-serving, highly respected experts marvel at the bold ideas...

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Innovation & Creativity

What do big established organisations have to learn from small start-ups?

When it comes to agility, it’s common practice to cast large organisations as being monolithic, unadaptable and slow-moving and smaller businesses as more nimble, fluid and responsive. One is an ocean...

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Emerging Talent
Sustainable Innovation

From work experience to work inspiration

Back in 2010 I attended the BITC (Business in the Community) Work Inspiration launch and was struck by the realisation that it was time to make some serious changes to the way we engaged with local...

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Innovation & Creativity

Better together? Part 2

In part one of this blog entry on external collaboration we discussed whether it was possible to collaborate with competitors, what the risks are and how best to manage them. Here, in part two, I'll...

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Better Together?

Collaboration Part 1: Is it really possible to collaborate with competitors? Current economic conditions place huge pressure on organisations. We are required to constantly innovate ways to produce...

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Wellbeing & Personal Development

Personal resilience: Part II

Discover how managers can support team wellbeing by adopting a coaching mindset, fostering positive thinking, and encouraging ownership. Learn strategies to create a resilient and healthy work...

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