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Leading Innovation at Sony

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‘Leading Innovation’ is a blended development journey for Sony's senior leaders and key talent across Europe. It develops the mindsets, skills and needed to drive and sustain Sony’s position at the leading edge of the electronics market.

The programme develops the innovation and leadership capacity of key European talent from a variety of Sony departments. It focuses on the ability to lead innovation, challenge the norm, create change mindsets and develop a restless curiosity for disruption.

Participant objectives included:

  • Deepening knowledge of what it means to lead innovation at Sony
  • Becoming inspired by tools, mindsets and cultures that have driven others to innovate
  • Developing and practicing new skills to challenge the norm
  • Developing a restless curiosity for change and disruption
  • Co-creating specific innovation projects with team accountability

The blended solution combines powerful face-to-face and virtual modules via Impact’s experiential learning app air™. Methods include virtual peer coaching, group review sessions, a dynamic innovation project, an In-Market Journey and custom-designed webinars; propelled by air™.

The unique solution moved participants from a position of ‘we can only innovate when we’re told from above’, to see themselves and the people they work with as innovative change agents that can make a positive and tangible difference to the business.


  • 91% of participants have applied learnings from the leading innovation module into their work.
  • 73% of participants have rewritten their rules to engender change, improve processes and ways of working.
See what our customers say about us
Stuart Almond
Head of Intelligent Media Services
“We’ve made changes within the department and division. Not only team structure, but in terms of how we engage with our customers and the market.”
Christopher Williams
Strategic Content Manager
“I see real benefits in terms of the operational efficiency of the business. We’ve had loads of really good examples where people have either driven forward existing projects or new projects.”